I am an adult who has lived (I thought) in a free society. I was taught to value my freedom. I was taught how it is important to fight for freedom.
So, why would the government think that it is okay to take my freedom away?
Why would they think they can do it without a fight from the people?
A governmental call for mandatory blanket experimental medical procedures on the population is a declaration of war.
A war on our personal and medical freedom.
A war.
And I am going to begin acting like this is a war.
I thought that World War III would be fought with nuclear weapons, tanks, and marching soldiers. Instead, it is fought with propaganda, invasion of privacy, coercion, and attacks on our mental and physical health.
I will fight this in every way I can.
I will never surrender my freedom.
This is my declaration to fight against tyranny.
#yesto medical freedom
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