Goodevening Renee,

I’ll start by saying you’re not wrong !!!


Think about it ?

What does these letters stand for.

Certificate of vaccination ID, have you looked at it from this angle.

When was it dropped in the world ?


Is that a coincidence ?

No such thing ever.

Everything and all that happens good or bad happens for a reason.

But humanity as a collective or as a single person does not all ways see the truth.

Or shall I say we cannot see the wood for the trees.

It’s like 9/11 inside job.

The man they blamed had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Remember that day it happened I can see it clear in my mind right now as if it’s a movie playing inside my head.

Yet within hours remember?

What was plastered all over the msm outlets globally.

His name Bin Laden Bin Laden Bin Laden.

Think about this how could have they known so quickly for sure it was him.

They could have never done in a thousand years.

Yet it was programmed into peoples minds and that was the narrative created that day for the world to change forever.

Within 3 days all aircraft were grounded globally as soon as it happened.

Yet in America there was an aircraft flying around and picking up his relatives who were resident there.

Again think about that ?

Why would that happen if he was the man that committed the crime ?

Yet that changed our world as we knew it forever.

I’m in the aircraft maintenance industry it killed that the second it happened.

And right now today the rules implemented through blaming terror organisations globally new securities were met globally that affect us all to this day.

If I throw this at you,

The Rona was just a name ( create a narrative and program people through fear, False Evidence Appearing Real )

That was used to stick things in peoples arms ?

In the beginning the info I was searching was from scientific people.

The difference was they were not paid to lie or mislead.

If I was to throw this at you.

All the viruses that have been dropped on humanity since way back when.

We’re gain of functioned, manipulated pathogens and made more deadly ?

It’s not bs.

Facts Renee.

It’s hard to fathom and take in beyond belief what has been thrown at humanity all out lives and before.

This narrative and plan was planned way before the rona circus started it just happened to be thrown at us in 2019.

Yet if you are spiritually aware.

That we choose to come,

Many have come to be guinea pigs.

To be sacrificial lambs.

It’s hard to belief and take this bit in what I am writing.

And know I’m not disillusioned.

I could write so much it would keep your head spinning for days in disbelief.

I know we should look at things, life in general rationally.

But what’s taking place in the direct palm to depopulate us and take full control over what’s left whilst trying to turn people into clones and cyborgs.

Please don’t laugh but that is exactly what’s taking place just it’s not being shown to us.

Confuse people with transgenderism.

Staring in schools.

Totally brain wash the new generations.

Abolish religion.

Do away with everything we know to be normal and true in parts.

Also this is eugenics in full swing mode.

Think about the last 18 months everything negative has been speeded up ?

Why ?

Because the evil mfs know their days are numbered.

It’s a war on all fronts.

Physically.Mentally and spiritually.

As you said the surprise it thing is so many bought the plan from day one.

But you and I did not.

And there are many that did not.

In the uk it was reported in 2021 nationally that over 50 million had had their jabs.

I knew that as a complete fabricated lie.

Over 20 million never had one.we’re a population 65-68 million do the math impossible.

So you see 20 million had awaken but at different stages of awokeness.

Yet it still rages and is being pushed that the v’s are safe and effective.

Complete bs.i don’t need to be shown or told as I always felt in my soul that it was an orchestrated circus by the evil elites.

On that list.


Fauci .

High numbers of government officials globally.

Gates is high on the list of extinguishing large parts of humanity through all his fingers he’s got in all the pies.





The list goes on.

Pure evil and definitely not a human soul that’s for sure.

This goes way beyond what we would see as normal.

Beyond belief for most to even give it a thought seriously.

But I’ve not come here to explain.

It’s up to people to do their own research.

But there are those we cannot help it’s too late.

If I said oil to the earth is its blood as blood is to us.

It’s Called a fossil fuel,

But to quality into that category it has to be drilled at a certain depth for it to qualify as a fossil fuel.

But oil comes from a a depth not qualifying it as an into the fossil fuel category again it’s a narrative to drop climate change on humanity and makes sheds loads of cash.

As did the rona for doctors and hospitals.

Did you know when you go to a GP and he/she gives you medication he/she gets paid for everything he/she gives you.

All the things that happened to folk in hospitals globally.

PCR tests paid,

Ventilators paid.

Medications including the v’s paid.

All doctors globally who forced people to get the vaccine got payments.

So you see as well as orchestrating death through fear people with no souls were being paid handsomely.

Clearly they’ve no conscious.

And are they truly human ?

That’s another debate.

Again I recommend go to Rumble register it costs nothing watch all.

John O looney vids.

From the start to the latest.

He’s the closet you’ll get to really understanding the true horror of what has taken place against humanity as a whole.

He’s a caretaker and from day one he was chosen to do his job for government and saw early the narrative.

And when the v’s came out because he picks up the bodies of the fallen he was directly able to see what the poisons were doing to the unfortunate ones.

Of all ages.

One thing Renee,

One of the most valuable choices you’ve made in your entire life you did not conform and get the toxins.

As I and not once did I ever put any of the bullshit fake PCR test up or near my nose.

I knew the tests were being used to collate false data.

So you see this did not happen by us chancing and making a guess we knew but we’re not conscious of our feelings but we knew.

Again think about that.

If your a former teacher look up Dolores Cannon,

One of her books.

Keepers of the garden.

Another book worth reading,

The journey of the soul,

Dr Brenda Davis.

These shall give you an insight to why your here at this time on earth.

It’s branching away from what’s going on but knowledge is power.

And once you know you have that as a weapon to make change.


A whole level of another narrative but very real what’s there.

I’ll say not from here Earth that is.

But that’s for another day.

Go to YouTube,

Look up Linda Moulten Howe.

Click to subscribe to her Channel and look up Antarctica then watch what comes up.

That will give you an insight to what’s there.

Off worlders are real and they are here and have been here for many lifetimes.

That’s all I’ll mention.

As with anything.

As with John O looney as most are at least 1 hour long.

I’m not asking you believe anything I write but you’ll join your own dots plus it shall expand your educational knowledge of what’s real and possible within our realms of earth and humanity.

Never ever give up the quest right now to what’s taking place and what’s been orchestrated and they are trying with all their might and power to enslave and kill us all believe me this is as true and clear as sunlight.

And a big Thankyou for taking the time to supply all that you have sent appreciate it all so Thankyou !

I know it takes time and energy.

If you ever need help with anything just ask the question and I’ll do my best to direct you with truth.

And I’m full of truth.

I’ve known this all my life.

I was born for this to happen and be a part of this I know for sure.

Out of a million I’m one so very rare and I apologise of that sounds arrogant because it’s not.

When you know you knows and I know this circus of murder against us all that’s trying to be programmed into us all.

I did not come this time around to fail,

Be controlled or enslaved.

By any evil human/or anything that’s not human.

That’s the contract I agreed too was to break free finally.and do as much as I can to educate whoever wishes to learn and listen.

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Hi Renee,


This video must watch.

I fully realise you wish to publicise truthful content and yes totally agree the truth must be shown and told.

The man John O looney I would recommend if you know Rumble and have an account look him up and watch all his content.

I cannot speak and show for the US I can only parallel what I’ve come across in uk and what I see in us on the platforms I watch but it’s not data related put out by any governing or council district bodies at a national level because they will only show collected study data that they need too not truthful numbers.

I know for a fact globally what is being shown at national and country level but from a government perspective is only what they wish to print not true numbers.

I know enough if one would call it an assumption or speculative figures but I’ve researched enough to know as a collective our governments do not wish to tell the world the truth and true numbers as it would be very difficult for the masses to comprehend what has taken place.

“ Quoting Kary Mullis from his PCR invention, if the tests are run at high enough cycles one can pretty much find anything in anybody “

His actual words.

Global data was collated in these actual systems of testing which were false from day one.

Kary Mullis mysteriously died in August 2019 right before the corona circus began.

Was this confidence ? I’ll let the reader decide.

https://youtu.be/-ueVTcOSD1k?si=bLdUz3SIRsRwRsty ,

Here’s him quoting.


Our good people’s friend announcing under Trumps term there would be an outbreak of a pandemic.

Trouble is unless he has a crystal ball how would he have known.

It was broadcast in 2017.

Now we have to ask ourselves what truthful data showing real numbers not hand picked what they wish us to believe.

What we do know this was planned.

Real people have perished and have life changing illness.

A narrative was created making something appear more real and deadly than it actually was.

The programming of many around the globe they achieved this remarkably easy but not all of us.

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